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GeorgeAnsluten till February 2021
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We spent a wonderful time on Bavaria 50. The skipper and his wife werae wonderful hosts and we throughly enjoyed every day. George is a very knowledgeable skipper, who knows the most beautiful coves and harbors to go to- you can fully trust his suggestions, they were all great! The boat is in a great condition also, the cabins very comfortable and there’s even free WiFi and USB power outlets throughout the boat.
We spent a wonderful time on Bavaria 50. The skipper and his wife werae wonderful hosts and we throughly enjoyed every day. George is a very knowledgeable skipper, who knows the most beautiful coves and harbors to go to- you can fully trust his suggestions, they were all great! The boat is in a great condition also, the cabins very comfortable and there’s even free WiFi and USB power outlets throughout the boat.