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BednBlue Guarantee
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Från det ögonblick du bokar kommer en BednBlue-representant att veta allt om din resa och kommer att finnas där för att hjälpa dig närhelst du behöver dem.
Stipe Ansluten till April 2020
Länkade konton
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The staff was very friendly. The boat was clean and in perfect shape/condition. The max cruising speed in the infos isn't correct. It's about 20-25 knots. The radio on the vessel also has Bluetooth. It's perfect for cruising near Brač and also to make a detour across the water to hvar e.p. Zečevo. I's very pleased with the boat.
The staff was very friendly. The boat was clean and in perfect shape/condition. The max cruising speed in the infos isn't correct. It's about 20-25 knots. The radio on the vessel also has Bluetooth. It's perfect for cruising near Brač and also to make a detour across the water to hvar e.p. Zečevo. I's very pleased with the boat.
Everything was just as we arranged.