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IoannisAnsluten till January 2020
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Great catamaran super well maintained. And
Above all great skippers. they took us to great spots. Food was great and the overall ambiance great. Highly recommended. We were 19 adults and we were super comfy. Plenty of space.
Had the best day touring around Paros with our friends on a relaxing boat trip. Crew was great, food was great, and highly recommend. Owner was very helpful scheduling with us last minute. Will schedule again next time we travel there.
Wir hatten ein paar Tage bevor wir nach Naxos gekommen sind eine Tour gebucht. Leider war es an zwei Tagen zu windig für die Tour. Der Veranstalter hat uns kontaktiert und eine frühere Alternative angeboten, die wir leider nicht wahrnehmen konnten. Angeboten wurde und dann eine Tour ein paar Tage später nachdem wir angegeben hatten wie lange wie auf Naxos sein werden. Der ganze Vorgang hat problemlos und schnell funktioniert. Die Katamaran Tour hat im 9.15 morgens gegenüber des Café‘s Kitron gestartet und wir waren gegen 17 Uhr zurück am Hafen. Insgesamt gab es drei Stops zum schwimmen, sonnen und Snacks bzw. essen. Unterwegs muss niemand Hunger oder Durst leiden, für alles ist gesorgt (Snacks, Obst, Mittagessen auch vegetarisch auf Wunsch sowie Bier, Wein, Softdrinks und Wasser). Alles in allem ein sehr schöner Tag den wir genossen haben.
This was the highlight of our trip! Thomas and Mario were so nice and chill, and cooked a delicious lunch of Moussaka and Greek Salad. We had great appetizers at our first stop too, dip on bread and dolmas. We stopped at a few different beaches on the other side of Naxos and swam in the gorgeous water, relaxed on the beautiful boat, drank wine and beer (they had a huge supply). The boat is so big and very stable since it is a catamaran, no real seasickness issues. We had a lovely group of 6 people, felt not crowded at all. Felt like we were living our bougiest lives chilling on a yacht all day. Checking in was super easy too, it's right on the Naxos marina.
Nice guys. Nice boat. Very civilised. Endless quality food and drink. The Catamaran can absorb 20 guests without feeling crammed. Best of all you are not blasted with horrible tourist 'party boat' muzak. Just cool lounge music at background level in the saloon and aft cockpit, virtually nil on the side decks, roof pad, trampolines or forward cockpit. Very welcome and most unusual for a med boat trip!!
Our first experience with this catamaran was in 2020, when we enjoyed it so much that we went on the cruise 3 times in a week. In 2021 we chose to come back to Naxos because of this yacht. We were planning to do the cruise every day for a week, but the wind made it possible only four times. The catamaran, the swimming and snorkelling spots, but mostly the skippers - Yannis and Dimitri - are incredible. The catamaran is new and spotless clean and you can see the crew’s care in the little details: a tiny potted olive tree or a pot with lovely smelling basil, the extra clean bathroom, the spotless lounge area, the sofas - everything really. However - what makes the cruise amazing are her skippers - Yannis and Dimitri. They know every single guest’s name, they care for everyone, and make sure that everything is perfect. Yannis chooses the day’s itinerary so that everyone enjoys it to the max, always selecting the route based on the weather and wind. Don’t get upset if the cruise is cancelled sometimes - it’s for the guests’ safety. The locations the cruise took us to are amazing - the most turquoise waters, rock jumping spots, snorkelling bays, sandy beaches and historic shipwrecks. The food and drinks are plenty and attentively served. And if you follow on our steps and fall in love with the catamaran's cruises you might get a T-shirt or a cap that you will wear with pride! Thank you for the 4 lovely day-cruises this year! We can’t wait to be back! Yannis, Dimitri - all the best
This was such a fun day trip! The whole crew was really lively and friendly. The highlight of the day of course was the cliff jumping bit. Yannis did a fantastic job motivating us to take the plunge. Had a fantastic time, would definitely recommend this.
I truly cannot pick a favorite part of the day. Yannis & Dimitris made sure that everyone’s needs were catered to at all times, gave great information on the areas we stopped in & overall just made the experience fun. The food was amazing, the drinks and snacks as well. There was always a shady spot if you needed it and sunny areas, too. If you are debating on booking this, do it! It was one of the best decisions we made while in Greece!!
Very well organised experience. The whole thing was very polished and enjoyable. Giannis was our capitan and he was super nice, funny and knowledgeable. The stops for swimming and cliff diving were fabulous and the food and drinks were phenomenal. 100% recommended and 100% would doit again.
Ein perfekter Tag auf dem Meer ☺️ Yiannis und Dimitri haben den Tag auf dem Boot wirklich super gestaltet. Kurze Sicherheitseinweisung und dann ging es los. Insgesamt wurden drei Schwimm/Schnorchelstops angesteuert. Bei jedem der Stops gab es von Yjannis ein wenig Background, was den Spot besonders macht. Teilweise auch mit historischen Fakten. Sehr interessant! Spot 1, war eine Bucht mit einer alten Hotelruine, die zu Zeiten der Diktatur mitten ins Naturschutzgebiet gesetzt wurde. Heute wohl eher als Mahnmal zu sehen. Highlight war hier das Schnorcheln in/mit den Fischschwärmen. Spot 2, war ebenfalls eine schöne Bucht wo es viel beim Schnorcheln zu entdecken gab. Highlight war hier ein Klippensprung. Hier zeigte Yjannis einem den besten Weg um da hoch zu kommen. Für mich war das leider nicht machbar. Andere haben das aber problemlos geschafft. Aber kleiner Kratzer an Hand und Fuß muss man in Kauf nehmen. Spot 3, ebenfalls eine schöne Bucht, wo man sowohl am Ufer als auch unter Wasser mit der Taucherbrille Wrackteile eines im 1. Weltkrieg gesunkenen Schiffes entdecken konnte. An jedem der drei Spots wurden wir mit ausreichend Verpflegung versorgt. Leckeres Brot mit Oliven, Moussaka, Obst. Alkoholische (Bier, Rot- und Weißwein) und Softdrinks. Wasser und Kaffee stand die ganze Fahrt über zur Verfügung. Die Gruppengröße schien erst was groß hat sich aber später gut auf dem Boot verteilt. Etwas schade fand ich, dass nur mit dem Motor gefahren wurde und nicht gesegelt wurde. Aber
We had an great Day, with our funny and lovely Skippers. We are so happy, that we book this Tour to Parros. We saw Delphines, direct by the Boot. We had an amazing food an many to drink. This day is unforgatabel for us.
We had a fabulous time on the catamaran with Captain Yiannis and Dimitris. They took us to some amazing spots off the south coast of Naxos, including a secluded nature reserve and a place for cliff diving. Yiannis even took all of those interested up the cliff to show them the safest places to dive. Our final stop was briefly right in front of the Naxos Portara for some photos before heading back into port. I think there were a total of 24 people on board, including the crew, and we never felt short of space. In terms of food and drink - we had snacks to start, followed by an awesome moussaka and salad for lunch. The beer and wine were truly all inclusive, along with water and soft drinks whenever you wanted them. We finished with trays of fresh fruit to round off the journey. Overall, we had a fantastic day, thanks to Yiannis and Dimitris. Definitely our best day out in Naxos so far!
Great Catamaran, very good route planning, professional relaxed and friendly skippers Yannis and Dimitri. Good home made food and very fresh fruit. Amazing swimming spots, anchorages and port visit. 10/10 I already want to come back.
Wonderful experience. Our favorite day in Naxos. The crew, Yannis and Dimitris are fantastic - funny, energetic, and knowledgeable. They truly make it a great experience.
Der Katamaran konnte mit der Wegbeschreibung gut am Kai gefunden werden. Nach einer Sicherheitseinweisung ging es los. Die 2 Jungs vom Boot waren sehr nett und lustig. Es gab immer Getränke, sowohl alkoholfrei (Wasser, Softdrinks), wie auch Bier, Rot- und Weißwein. Umweltbewusst haben wir unseren Plastikbecher mit Namen beschriftet, um nicht soviel Müll zu produzieren. Auf dem Katamaran gab es Möglichkeiten, sich zu verteilen und je nach Lust und Laune Sonnen- oder Schattenplätze zu wählen. Insgesamt wurden 3 Schnorchelstops angesteuert. Es war immer ausreichend Zeit zum Schnorcheln. Brille und Schnorchel sowie Poolnudeln wurden zur Verfügung gestellt. Nach einem kleinen Snack zwischendurch gab es Mittags Moussaka oder gefüllte Paprika - große Portionen. Gegen 17:30h waren wir wieder zurück. Insgesamt ein schöner Tag auf dem Meer!
Es war ein rundum perfekter Tag! Die beiden Guides an Board waren super sympathisch. Es gab sehr leckeres Essen sowie Snacks und wir waren den ganzen Tag mit kalten Getränken versorgt. Der Catamaran war top und der Tag hat einfach nur Spaß gemacht! Absolut empfehlenswert!
Great way to spend a day in Naxos. Weather was a bit windy so water was choppy and made it harder for boat to stop easily. Crew was great - very solicitous and made everything nice. Fun group of passengers. We did spend a lot of time getting from one spot to another, but no one to blame for that. Would recommend cleaning out the snorkel gear after each use since another passenger took the one I had used and that seemed rather risky in light of Covid issues. Relaxing way to spend the day, just don’t expect lengthy stops or visits to other islands.
Attraction à ne pas manquer sur l’île de Naxos. Certes un peu cher et à réserver à l’avance (surtout en pleine saison); mais l’expérience vaut vraiment le détour. Équipage aux petits soins…
Journée en catamaran sympa (3 stops baignade, snacks, repas et boissons compris) cependant nous avons trouvé le prix très élevé par rapport à l'ensemble de la prestation.
Bella gita nei dintorni di naxos. Premetto che non ero molto informato su cosa avrei fatto , comunque è stato bello vedere alcune delle migliori spiagge di paros e naxos. Nonostante sia un catamarano e ci fosse vento sufficiente abbiamo sempre navigato a motore a ritmo lento come si può immaginare date le ristrette capacità del catamarano di viaggiare a vele chiuse. Detto ciò, i due marinai Thomas é Mario sono stati molto cortesi e disponibili in tutto ciò di cui puoi avere bisogno, ci sono cibo e bibite (vino birra Coca Cola fanta acqua ) in abbondanza per fare una colazione , pranzare e mangiare qualcosa nei momenti di Pausa. Avrei voluto visitare le altre isole delle Cicladi dato che a naxos ho Gia passato molto tempo e ho avuto il tempo di visitarla abbastanza bene, ma in sole 8 ore le possibilità non sono molte. Nel complesso se cerchi un viaggio rilassante dove poter bere e mangiare mentre prendi il sole sul tettuccio questo è quello che fa per te; se invece vorresti visitare le vere e proprie piccole Cicladi sconsiglio perché si tratta principalmente di un giro belle spiagge di Paros é naxos.
We took a day trip with Mario and Thomas. they were excellent, friendly, interactive, did the activities with us. The good: Solid Boat, well skippered. Decent Lunch (remember it is on a boat), good salad and moussake (standard). Beer decent, good wine. Nice sunny day. Lots of space to get out of the sun if you need it. Just Okay. We had hoped for a trip to some small private beaches and unique places but because there was no wind we had to motor everywhere. We did two beaches on naxos and one one paros. Not ideal but still on a boat. First beach, Santa maria was a nice but basic introduction. Good warm water. Second beach we all go clay masks for our skin. Quite fun and not a commerical place at all. The last beach was accessable easily by car, but a good place for jumping in water for younger kids. We really wanted the cave swimming and of course, ('m assuming that is weather dependent). I tried to book other trips but one was cancelled. So I give 5 stars for the crew and 3 stars for the basic, but not unique experience. Again. I know it is weather dependent. I also recognize that many of these factors our out of their control. BTW, we had lovely people on our boat that made the experience very worth while.
Premetto che abbiamo fatto altre gite con grande soddisfazione lo scorso anno a Paros. Si presume che una gita giornaliera (su catamarano Luxury) a Naxos, al netto di condizioni climatiche avverse, sia per visitare almeno in gran parte le calette di Naxos. Sbagliato! Due soste a Paros per fare il bagno ed una sosta durata quasi due ore, fermi al porto turistico di Paros (nessuno dei 17 ospiti lo ha capito) per visitare la cattedrale e la piazzetta (dalle 12.20 alle 14.00, caldo feroce). Naxos per fortuna l’abbiamo vista percorrendo molti km in auto. Detto ciò, servizio scarso ma non è per questo motivo che il giudizio è negativo. Parto dal presupposto che si vada a navigare e non a fare la grande abbuffata. Ma la navigazione ha rasentato il ridicolo per complessivi 320 euro in due. Fate attenzione e fatevi dire in anticipo quale e’ l’itinerario. Le condizioni climatiche erano perfette. Abbastanza incavolati. Spiace perché il posto è molto bello e la cordialità ed ospitalità la fa da padrona. Ma questa crociera, fidatevi, no!!
Our skipper Yannis and first mate Dimitris showed us a great time on our trip down the Naxos coast. Seeing the Naxos coast from that perspective gave us great insights on which beaches to visit during the rest of our trip. The catamaran itself is fairly new, and easily accommodated our mixed group of approximately 18 passengers. The smaller group size is especially important; during our trip, we encountered another tour which crammed about 40 onto a boat, which looked miserable. The food served onboard was delicious as well. I would definitely recommend this tour.
Our family of four took a tour in June and had a wonderful time! The service was fantastic, the meals were awesome, and the excursion itself was memorable. We went to Paros for a couple of hours, anchored off in a couple locations to swim and relax, saw dolphins, and had a great time! Highly recommend this!
We had an amazing and relaxing day with Janes and His crew. Unfortunately we weren’t lucky enough to be able to see the dolphins, but still were able to see colorful fish and sea vegetation in the snorkeling stops. Lunch and the beverages were great!
Der Ausflug mit dem Katamaran war schön und hat Spaß gemacht, die Organisatoren sind sehr nett und hilfsbereit. In den Stopps wird für ausreichend Verpflegung gesorgt und Getränke an Board gab es auch immer zur Verfügung. Das einzige von meiner Seite aus zu kritisieren, wäre vielleicht die Gruppengröße, ein paar weniger Teilnehmer hätte ich als angenehmer empfunden.
Sub-par service. Our captain Mario seemed to be in a bad mood from the start. He wasn’t personable or friendly. The swimming spots we visited were nice but otherwise the trip was non-eventful. No music for 8 hours. The catamaran was quite small compared to the one we took in Santorini and had more people this time with few places to sit. The lunch was not made fresh but rather ordered from a restaurant and was quite heavy- some traditional Greek casserole which would have been great for dinner but not good for lunch. Other tours we have done included lunch prepared fresh and many sides and much friendlier staff. The crew seemed so uninterested in the day or the tour. Loved Naxos outside of this!
We reserved a catamaran for a full day cruise for our family, including kids 7 and 9. The boat was clean and safe, our captain and crew kind and knowledgeable. We hugged the coast of Naxos for 8 hours, making three stops at beautiful beaches and coves where we took turns jumping off the boat and swimming to shore. Our kids were in heaven. The water was calm and blue as a swimming pool. The Danae fed us a beautiful series of meals -- a snack, lunch and fruit dessert, including beers and wine. We even saw a sea turtle! The boat has rafts and noodles as well as snorkel equipment. It was an indulgent and lovely outing - exactly what you picture for a Greek island holiday!!
Yiannis and Dimitri were fantastic- very knowledgeable and professional. Our teenage daughters had a ball! We absolutely loved every minute of the day. :)
Ein Must Do im Kykladen Urlaub- ab aufs Meer, all die Blau Töne. Eine tolle Gruppe, eine noch tollere Crew, ein Super Törn mit Delfinen, kristallklares Wasser und ein schönes Fischerdorf auf Paros. Es hätte nicht besser organisiert sein können- volle Punktzahl
We really enjoyed the trip with this company. The Skipper were very nice and spread good vibes. We start with a coffee and then start to a cove to swim and snorkel. On the way we saw dolphins sich was really a unforgettable moment. After we stopped at Paros for a visit in a small village and then had a jummy lunch in another cove were we could swim after lunch. It was very relaxing and an unforgettable event for us. Thanks to the crew! Roland & Susann
Absolutely without a doubt the BEST thing we did during our stay. It was so classy and the captains were very gracious. Top notch care and service. Took us to Koufinisi and we were in love! Will send everyone we know back here just to do this day cruise.
Amazing experience! After Covid resulted in cancellation of our previous yachting plans we switched gears and were fortunate to secure the first post-lockdown trip available. Could not have worked out better. We embarked on a 5 night adventure on the Rena from Mykonos to Santorini with stops in Paros, Naxos, Schinoussa, Koufonisi and Ios (all planned once we got on the boat with skipper input based on our interests). The catamaran and her skippers Yannis and Marios are top rate. The catamaran is a spacious and well appointed, modern vessel. Yannis and Marios are not only highly skilled and professional skippers, they are also both great human beings. The kind one would happily swap stories and a meal with (which we did often!). Everything was flexible but still ran like a well-oiled Swiss timepiece! Thank you Marios and Yannis for an unforgettable experience!
Great boat, great trip, great people... The boat was clean, in great condition and not crowded and Marios and Demetre - the crew- there are no words to describe how kind and friendly were - making our visit to beaches accessible only by sea and the "small cyclades" islands unforgetable.
We had a great day on board Danae. Nice people, great spots for swimming and delicious food. An overall great experience that we are looking forward to do it again.
An amazing experience. The crew Gianni, Dimitri and Marios are the best, always polite and helpful. Explore Cyclades with a big Catamaran which is always clean and cozi. They are serving always homemade meals, nice wine and aperitif. Congratulations guys you are the best. See you soon!
Where else to do a boat trip but the gorgeous Cyclades! Had the most amazing day with some clear water spots perfect for swimming. Ioannis and Dimitris were perfect hosts making sure we all had a great time and a drink in our hands 😀Would totally recommend and would love to do another trip next time I’m in Naxos.
Magnifique catamaran de 45 pieds , propreté irréprochable. Accueil sympathique et très professionnel de Yannis et Mario. Nos skippers sont aux petits soins avec nous boissons , petits en cas et repas : rien à reprocher ! Belle navigation. À conseiller
Un 45’ parfaitement aménagé et spacieux de 2 ans. Nous étions 10 plus 2 membres de l’équipage . Personnel très sympa et accueillant . Brunch + déjeuner+ 4h de bonne qualité . 2 arrêts pour le snorkeling dans des eaux cristallines. Croisière fortement recommandée
Wonderful day at sea! Couldn't fault anything, the team were welcoming, the boat sublime, and the swimming spots and stop off in Naousa were perfect. Would do it every day if I could.
AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL and UNFORGETTABLE DAY! Great captains, Ioannis and Dimitris, making you feel very welcome and always ready to talk and answer question! HIGHLY recommend, this is a MUST when in Naxos!!! Food was great too, everything was so relaxing, fun and enjoyabel, but time flies by too fast! You Will not regret it!! And its no problem if you are a horrible swimmer, just like me, they got you covered!
Booked the tour last minute because of a cancelation from another tour and couldn't be happier. Yannis and Dimitris welcomed everyone warmly, and provided good conversation throughout the tour. We sailed from Náxos to Páros, stopping for occasional swims (and, of course, jumping from the catamaran) and docked at the fishing village of Náousa in Páros. It was quite charming, with picturesque streets, an old fortress and a church. Everyone in the tour was very friendly, so we had a great time. The tour includes lunch (pastitsio and stuffed tomatoes/bell peppers), as well as some sort of bruschetta appetizer and drinks (water, wine, beer, soft drinks). I am very satisfied with the experience and the service.
Would definitely recommend! Our original boat trip with another company was cancelled so we asked the crew of the Rena Catamaran at the port and they accepted us without hesitating. Even though the trip we did was not the one we actually wanted to do, the sailing experience was totally worth it. We visited Paros and some beaches in Naxos, were we could jump, swim and snorkel (they provided material). Probably the small cyclades tour would be better. The crew were really friendly and funny. The trip includes traditional greek lunch (pastitsio and greek salad), appetizers (bread with spreads, fruit salad, baklava), water, soft drinks, beer and wine. It's not cheap but worth paying!
Had a great day and met lots of people coming from everywhere in the world! Yanni and Dimitri were very nice and caring! We got to do some yoga on the boat and swimming in caves. The wine and food were very nice. I cannot recommend strongly enough this cruise which was worth every euro :D
Our day on the catamaran was the highlight of our holiday. Visiting secluded coves and jumping into the open sea is an amazing feeling. The staff are friendly and helpful. You’ll want to go back for more!
Everything was great during this trip, the weather, the crew, the boat, brunch and lunch was as expected, based on previous reviews. I recommend to everyone who wants to have a good time.
Πολύ ευγενικοί. Πεντακάθαρο και υπέρ άνετο σκάφος. Έφυγε στην ώρα του προσφέρουν τρία γεύματα. Όλα σπιτικά καθόλου τυποποιημένα. Επίσης δίνουν μάσκες και βατραχοπέδιλα. Ήταν όλα υπέροχα. Το συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα.
Notre journée catamaran a été décalée d’une journée peu importe nous étions disponibles. Magnifique catamaran très luxueux, nous étions 4 couples à bord et 2 personnes d’équipage. Donc beaucoup d’espace. Accueil très sympathique et sérieux. Avons fait 3 haltes baignades sur des très beaux spots sans personne quasiment. Boissons à volonté, toasts apéritifs maisons, repas Copieux et très bon . Bonne ambiance à bord . Dommage que la météo est était aussi venteuse et du coup beaucoup de houle .
Wow! It s just an amazing experience. The crew is so skilled and knowledgeable, gives great advice on customized trips and provide an amazing service. We stayed in Naxos and Paros with family and children and went out on a catamaran once for a half day and once for a full day. It was the best experience. Yanis and Dmitris took us to amazing beautiful lagoons.we swam in the middle of paradise, dove in crystal clear water and enjoyed the best food and drinks on the boat. The price is very reasonable for the quality of the service compared to other options we looked at. We can only recommend them to anyone looking for a truly unforgettable experience!
Had an amazing day! Awesome crew, nice locations with blue/green clean ocean, diving, snorkling and drinking beer in the sun. Would recomend everyone to spend a day at this boat!
Sailing and snorkelling around the secluded beaches of Naxos- or simply lounging on the deck is one of the best ways to experience the beautiful Cyclades. Giannis and Dimi we’re friendly, knowledgeable and excellent skippers who made everyone on board feel welcome and in expert hands. Japan, Italy Canada, the UK, France, Australia and Greece were all represented on our sailing cruise. Information about each site as we anchored, along with plenty of food and drinks were provided. The opaque colours of the Aegean were the perfect backdrop for this must do experience. Our teenager described it as one of the best days of our trip so far. Magic.
Le capitaine est hyper sympa, boissons à profusion, vues incroyables, baignades de rêve, plages sublimes avec courtes visites des alentours facultatives (ex. : projet de palace abandonné) fascinantes et instructives. Vive la Grèce.
I cannot recommend this anymore. The boat is amazing, the staff is amazing, the food is amazing, the views are amazing. It is worth every penny and I would do it 100x over if I could.
So happy to have found this tour! End of the season but Ioannis and Dimitri found us some great spots to swim/snorkel, toured a village on Paros and had a great time along the way! It was great to have Ioannis participate with us in the activities and share his vast knowledge of the islands with us too.So welcoming and a super fun group of people, will definitely look for them again whenever I return to Naxos...which hopefully will not be too long!
We had an absolutely wonderful time with Timos and Thomas (please forgive any misspelling) on the Danae. There were 16 of us and we were very comfortable and had plenty of room for all to stretch out and enjoy the day. And enjoy we did! Timos and Thomas were professional and welcoming, excellent hosts. They prepared coffee, offered wine, beer, snacks and made a delicious meal for us. We visited areas with clear blue water where some of us swam and snorkeled while others relaxed and took in the beauty. One of our group celebrated her birthday onboard. Perfect. Toward the end of our day we stopped with a view of Apollo's Temple and watched a spectacular sunset. Thomas mentioned that he's in a band and since we had time he surprised us by playing. We sang, we laughed and ended the day with smiles on our faces and very happy memories. We hope to return to Naxos and plan a longer trip on the Danae with this fantastic crew.
We had a great time on the boat. The crew and the food were excellent. Due to the great weather, we had a chance to go to Paros and visit the village. After that we ate and made two stops for swimming and snorkeling.
We highly recommend taking this catamaran cruise while in Naxos. Our skippers Thomas and Mario were the perfect hosts. Nice day eating, drinking and spending time on the boat and in the water. We enjoyed spending the day with the other people on the boat, too. Excellent Naxos excursion!!
We really enjoyed this boat tour! The food was delicious and there were plenty of snacks and drinks. The crew was friendly and organized. The yacht was clean and beautiful. The snorkeling gear isn't very organized or intact but there wasn't much to look at in the ocean anyway as far as wildlife goes. The swimming spots were beautiful, especially when they bring you to the clay rocks to have a mud "bath" (or smear). The water was super clear. Very cool experience!
Fantástico día. Lo pasamos fenomenal. Timos y Thomas son geniales. Totalmente recomendable. Eramos 10 y el catamarán es muy amplio. Comida y bebida muy buena.
We did a day cruise with Rena Catamaran 2 days ago. The crew is very friendly, the boat is new and you get to see Naxos from the sea which is really worth it. Not too many people on board, we stopped to 3 nice beaches to swim, we had tasty food and coffee and everyone seemed to enjoy the trip a lot. A great experience overall, highly recommended to everyone visiting Naxos, no matter if you are in a group, family or couple!
We had a nice day trip with the 45 ft catamaran Rena to a beach at Paros and two beaches at Naxos. Everything was well organised with enough drinks and food incl. lunch. The crew were very nice. The only disappointment was that we did very little real sailing - only 2 hrs on the jib/foresail plus the engine out of the 7 hrs. of the whole cruise. About 4 hrs the boat was moored at 3 beaches for swimming, snorkling and lunch. Snorkling is very disappointing as there is only sand and no sea life at all.
En septembre 2019, mon mari et moi avons passé une excellente journée sur ce magnifique catamaran. L'équipage est sympatique et multiplie les petites attentions notre égard. Le soleil, la mer, la nourriture et les boissons, tout était parfait. Une vrai journée de bonheur, que du plaisir!
This was an amazing experience and a highlight of our trip to Naxos. The boat (Danae) was very clean and well maintained. The crew was helpful and accommodating. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone who enjoys sun and water.
the trip was exactly what we were looking for - day out on the Aegean with a small group of people (there were 15 others). The sea was a bit rough at first so we didn't venture beyond the immediate waters of Naxos. We visited the various beaches from the sea :). There was plenty of drink, plenty of food and good company - we met others from around the world. The crew was very attentive and took care on one of our party who was very sea sick for the first hour - dramamine and a dip in the sea and she got over it. Definitely got our money's worth and we had a marvelous day.
We went to Greece for a week and this was the highlight!! What an amazing time on The Danae. Timas and Tomas are fantastic and the snorkeling was perfect. The water was stunning and cold. We stopped in three places to swim. We are still smiling. Thank you guys
My husband and I treated ourselves to the private tour on Danae for our honeymoon. Timas and Tomas were the crew - and they were phenomenal! We set sail on a windy day but they made sure we were comfortable. Stopped in two spots for swimming, food, wine and beer. They were fun to be around and great to talk to but also let us have our privacy. They also suggested some things to do around the boat to enhance the experience - like jumping off the roof of the catamaran, and sitting on the very front for our cruise back for a rollercoaster and fun ride - which was so so fun! I highly highly recommend this company to anyone looking to book - and we have done private boat tours in Mexico, Turks & Caicos, Croatia and this was one of the best experiences.
We had Yannis and Demitris as our crew. It was a windy day but nothing the Lagoon 450S couldn't handle and it was a great ride the whole way. Such a comfortable catamaran to be on with plenty of space to spread out wherever you wanted. The crew updated us on everything and told us about the area which was great. The food and drinks we had were perfect and was plenty of it. The snorkeling and swimming was so nice and in protected bays out of the wind. Couldn't recommend this trip enough. Thanks a lot for the awesome trip. Jake and kristy :)
It was an amazing day. Captain George gave us equipment and besise the activities he told us about, we vould also sail, to controll the yaht. We had music and even a snack. Also, George gave us a cd with our photos from that day. We visited the cave, paros and many otçher amazing places. We even saw an octopus! The atmosphere was amazing and we recommand this one day trip. Ahoy, Captain George!
We enjoyed a beautiful day on the clean & spacious Rena, total of 22 on board when we sailed (max capacity is 25). Our original sail date shifted by four days, as the company cancelled all sailing for two days due to high winds & waves, and I appreciated their caution. It was still a bit windy when we went, and Captain Mario steered us to where we’d have the best conditions possible. I was very glad we were able to be rescheduled. Our girls loved the trip. Mario made the possible destinations clear, and told us he’d decide the final destinations based on wind & wave conditions which was absolutely fine & consistent with our expectations. We ultimately did one stop by Paros and two by Naxos. The snacks (cookies, bruschetta type bread & spread in the morning; fruit in the afternoon) and lunch (vegetarian dish similar to Pastitsio & Greek salad) suited us well. There was plenty of time to swim at each stop, and our girls were entertained at the Paros stop by some clay cliffs where you could scrape the clay off the wall to make face / skin masks. We had a wonderful time & highly recommend.
Wir hatten einen tollen Tag auf der Danae! Schnorcheln, gutes Essen und die zwei Jungs waren super drauf.Wir haben an wunderschönen Türkisfarbenen Buchten geankert und konnten Schnorcheln.Zwischendurch wurden wir (nach Bedarf) mit Raki, Bier und Wein versorgt.
Magnifiques lieux de pause, eaux turquoises et limpides, collation, déjeuner, rafraîchissements... Prestation parfaite orchestrée par l’équipage Yannis et Dimitri, qui s’adaptent à l’ambiance du groupe. Journée de rêve.
We were a group of 8 (2 families with teenagers) who enjoyed a great trip on the Danae with Dimitri. We did the all day (9am-6pm) trip visiting three beautiful spots off of Naxos. There was a choice to visit Paros but some of the other passengers had already been, so we stayed in Naxos Island. Beer and wine was plentiful and the lunch was hearty Greek fare served on board. This was a great day out on the water - not too long but not too short from a value perspective! The catamaran was new and we did have the sail up given the windy conditions around the north of the island. Very easy in and out of the Naxos marina. Highly recommended!
Thank you to Captain Mario and to Dimitris, for a great day on the water. Boat is very nice, and well maintained. Crew was organized, professional and courteous. We brought snacks for the kids, and the food provided onboard was tasty. We had about 18 people on our day trip, but the boat never felt crowded. Stopped at few beaches and enjoyed the swimming. The wind blew strong, so the water was a bit choppy. My teenager got queasy, and Mario took my wife and daughter ashore in a small dinghy so they could taxi back to hotel. Even called the taxi for them. This was a very worth while experience.
The crew provided a professional, fun and wonderful day cruising around naxos. Stopping at numerous swimming spots on the way where snorkels and other equipment was available. Beautiful food and refreshments throughout. Absolutely breathtaking sites and definitely a must if you are searching for the perfect crew who will make your naxos sailing adventure picture perfect.
This Catamaran cruise in Cyclades is the main highlight of our stay in Naxos Island. Without this trip, Naxos will be boring. The crew and Captain were very respectful and accommodating. The Yacht we had was very clean and spacious enough to move around the boat. It's very safe to walk and pose/take for pictures while cruising because Captain Yannis will give you a briefing and precautions before starting the tour. He's very cautious and very friendly. The food they served was good though we did prefer a better menu. Lol. Nevertheless, their service was excellent. I am not a good swimmer but they will provide you gadgets to safely swim and float in the water. They will watch you to make sure you are safe and they just naturally interact with the group to make you feel comfortable to enjoy every stop we made. Although the water was pretty cold, overall, this was a great trip to have a good time in Naxos! Good recommendation! 👍👍👍
We went on a Catamaran with our captains Dimos and Thomas, The boat ride was excellent and way exceeded our expectations. We went to beautiful places and had an amazing time getting to see the beaches of Naxos and Paros. Thomas and Dimos were very nice and made us feel right at home on the boat despite being 5000 miles from home. Having them for not one but two days was an experience we will never forget and will cherish for years to come. The only regret we had was not getting more time with them as we were quite literally asking to turn around and stay longer after they had already let us have more time at the amazing beach they took us to on the second day. Thomas turned out to be part of a band which was amazing because my son Jackson is an aspiring Opera singer so when Thomas learned that he brought his guitar and sang beautiful songs for and with us. Thomas and Dimos kept the boat very clean and organized. They were amazing people with huge hearts and showed us the best greek hospitality. Overall it was a once and a lifetime experience that we will never forget.
Chartered the catamaran for a family b-day celebration...11 of us, and it was AWESOME, FABULOUS! The kids, ages 11-16,(plus 80 year old grandpa!) loved diving and jumping off the boat into the beautiful clear water at several locations. The snacks, lunch, and drinks were delish...pastitsio, Greek salad, and the BEST baklava we had in Greece! The boat was very clean and comfortable. Thank you to Thomas and Temos for being such super hosts...truly the highlight of our Naxos trip!
Dimitri and Mario were a fantastic captains. We enjoy the day in their katamaran and they show us naxos through the sea. They cook us traditional lunch and snacks served with local wine and beer and other refreshments.
We really enjoyed the 40' Danae. Thomas and Temos were very friendly and accommodating. They prepared nice meals and took us to several nice bays to snorkel and swim. The boat has good seating and is very comfortable. They have plenty of beer and wine for everyone.
The boat was very nice and clean with more than enough room for 9. The full bathroom below was clean and because we drank a lot of (included) wine we used it quiet frequently. We had snacks and then lunch which was a baked pasta that was yummy. Later they served fresh fruit. The captain (Timos) and deckhand (Thomas) we’re very fun and super nice. We snorkeled around a few spots and swam. They played 60’s music which was a nice change from all of the deep house you hear everywhere. I do like EDM though. They will plug your iPhone in and play anything you have. We highly recommend!
We booked this trip a bit last minute, but were pleased with our experience. The staff was incredibly kind, professional and provided some great recommendations for things to do on Naxos. We sadly had AWFUL stormy weather which meant we did not get to really go farther than west cost of Naxos. I wish they would have cancelled and rebooked us for the following day. The places we did go though were quite nice. Snorkels, noodles, and nice appetizers all provided. The lunch was a bit lackluster - a pasta dish. Overall - would do it again.
We enjoyed our outing on 9 July. The crew was very friendly and worked well with the kids. All the participants quickly engaged each other and the trip was a great success. There were three stops for swimming. This is NOT the Caribbean so you will not see colorful fish, but if you know that in advance you will not be disappointed. The sites were beautiful. There was plenty of shaded areas on the boat. The WC was clean and private. I would recommend bringing your own snorkel equipment as the ones offered are quite limited. I would recommend this outing mainly because of the laid back/relaxing atmosphere.
Super qualité de services pour une équipe très classe et pro, un vrai plaisir à partager entre amis ou famille, à mon avis le meilleurs bateau de l'iles
Wir hatten einen sehr schönen Tag auf dem Katamaran. Thomas und Mario haben uns die schönsten Buchten auf Naxos und eine Bucht auf Paros gezeigt. Wir konnten Schnorcheln und auch an Land schwimmen. Es war immer genügend Zeit eingeplant. Als wir in der Früh auf den Katamaran kamen gab es Kaffee und einen kleinen Snack. Mittags haben Thomas und Mario für uns gekocht und abschließend gab es noch eine Obstplatte.
Bellissima giornata cullati dal vento, dalla salsedine e dal mare, coccolati dal fantastico team della Rena e viziati dalle abilità culinarie della mamma di Yannis. Itinerario classico con meta Aliko e in rientro Mikri Vigla e Agios Prokopios. Imbarcazione molto comoda, pulita e bella. Equipaggio molto cordiale, simpatico e disponibile anche verso gli ospiti più piccolini. quanti tuffi hanno potuto fare i nostri ragazzi? One more, one more 😄. Giornata memorabile 💙
Our favorite day on Naxos, by far, was aboard Rena with captain Giannis. Rena is a newer, very clean, and well-maintained catamaran. We did the all-day cruise which included breakfast, lunch, snacks, and a variety of drinks including beer, wine, water and sodas. Snorkeling equipment was provided to explore the blue Aegean Sea. In my opinion, Rena’s best feature is its ample, comfortable, outdoor, SHADED seating in the aft of the boat. The Greek summer sun is intense, and I can’t imagine spending all day on the water without this type of protection. It was perfect. The kids really enjoyed getting splashed on the trampoline nets and bow pulpits up front. If you go to Naxos, sail with Giannis. He truly offers the best activity the island has to offer!
Very nice catamaran, great crew, good food/beverages and beautiful locations. Crew made everyone feel comfortable and helped “bond” passengers by having everyone say their name and where they were from. The waters and locations where we stopped were beautiful. The refreshments were good and very nicely presented. Highly recommend this tour and the crew.
Our family with two boys, age 6 and 8, spent the most wonderful day on the Rena today! We had a small group of passengers from all over the world, delicious food all day, an amazing yoga session on the top deck (totally optional), and so much fun we’ll be talking about it for years! This was our second visit to Naxos but first boat expedition and we loved every minute!!
Łódka (katamaran), wyglada jak, a właściwie to jest prawie nowa i bardzo komfortowa. Załoga bardzo uprzejma, profesjonalna, świetnie mówiąca po angielsku. Pomimo, iż wszystkie odwiedzone dzisiaj miejsca widzieliśmy już z lądu, to z perspektywy morza wyglądają znacznie ciekawiej. Świetne miejsca do pływania, także dzieciaki miały frajdę, smaczne przekąski, ciekawe informacje, na temat odwiedzanych lokalizacji. Dobrze wydane pieniądze i bardzo miło spędzony czas. Pozdrawiamy i dziękujemy ! Polecamy:)
Just a perfect day on the water. Small group on a new catamaran. Only way to describe the day is ... it was like being invited on to a friend’s boat for the day. Wonderful way to see Naxos and Paros. Our lunch was delicious. Three of our group had sailed the week before. I certainly am planning a repeat visit.
Our catamaran day trip around the beautiful island of Naxos with Giannis and Dimitri was excellent. From the on board greeting, introductions and orientation to the fresh fruit at the end of the trip, it made for a memorable day. The catamaran was clean and easy to get around in. The brunch and lunch were very good and presented beautifully. The stops for swimming and snorkeling were fabulous. By the end of the day we had learned much, cooled off in the sea and made new friends. A delightful experience that we are happy to recommend.
We’ve just completed a brilliant day on Rena - a spacious, comfortable and beautifully furnished catamaran. Three beautiful anchorages in crystal clear waters - snacks, drinks and a delightful lunch. Yianiss was the perfect skipper and host - professional, friendly and highly competent.
My wife and I had a fantastic day aboard the catamaran Rena. The captain and mate could not have been nicer. They are a small close-knit company, the other boat was captained by our boat’s captain’s brother and lunch was cooked by their mother who is the company’s chef. The boats are extremely well maintained and immaculately clean. The amount of time and value of the trip is perfect. The boat is large enough to share with other guests and have plenty of space to relax in privacy. The only (slightly) negative is that we motored the whole time, it would have been nice to sail a little and shut off the motors and the beers could have been colder 🤷🏻♂️
Everything was so good, the people who worked on the boat, the places we visited and the whole athmosfere on the boat as well. Best thing was that we got to spend the whole day on the boat and did’nt actually jump off at the other places and islands. Truly recomend to go on a trip with danae or rena! /Maja&Filippa from Sweden
We went on this excursion with our two teenage boys and I’m not exaggerating when I say it was a perfect experience. The laid back crew was fantastic and fun to be around, the food was delicious, and the water and scenery are so beautiful. We stopped a few times to swim and snorkel and also visited a cave. It was a nice group of easygoing, interesting people. This is a must do if you are visiting Naxos!
We did a sailing trip with a large group of about 17 people for our wedding and it was fantastic. Lots of sunshine, great stops at swimming areas and beaches, and the company had plenty of food and drinks to keep us moving throughout the day. A lot of the group was vegetarian which they adapted to without issue (we gave them notice ahead of time but only a few days before) and the tour was pretty much all day long - 9AM to 6PM. The crew was very nice, knowledgeable of the area, and fun to be around. The boat was in excellent condition and they operated it safely. Really no complaints - thank you!
Aliko-koufonisa-rina caves. Fantastic trip with yiannis and his crew, really nice people. The catamaran was clean and big. Will stop off at the above place and swim about there for 15-20 mins and then move on. It was just a really peaceful trip looking at coast of Naxos and koufonisa. Would recommend!
We had the most amazing day with Yiannis and the other crew members! They took us to beautiful swimming locations, where there were no other boats swimming, as well as to a tiny seaside town on Paros. They were so kind and always checking in on us! They food was incredible as well. Highly highly highly recommend spending your day with them! Thank you guys so much :)
We had a fantastic day sailing around Naxos. The boat was large and roomy, with plenty of room for the group. Our captain did a great job making us comfortable and showing us the area. We made a couple stops to swim in the beautiful water, and stopped for a couple hours to explore the island of Paros. The lunch was absolutely delicious and everyone enjoyed the beverages and snacks as well. I would highly recommend this experience - It was a highlight of our trip to Greece.
This was a highlight of our time in Greece! The crew were so amazing and welcoming and the food was delicious. We had a little cloudy start but after the first swim stop the sun came out and it was a perfect day. We had a long swim stop for lunch after stopping in Paros for a visit. We felt safe, happy, and would definitely do this trip again!
My boyfriend and I spent the day on this catamaran cruise and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! The boat is easy to find in the Naxos port. There was a group of about 17 of us on the boat and we felt like we had plenty of space to move around. We were fed well throughout the day and all the activities were well planned!
Um excelente dia passado a bordo de um cruzeiro entre a ilha de Naxos e Paros. Tripulação extremamente simpática e prestável durante toda a viagem. Os sítios são selecionados em função das condições meteorológicas mas todos os selecionados foram excelentes! Aconselho vivamente!
Thomas and Mario were the best hosts! They were lots of fun and brought us to great areas around Paros island. The yacht was really clean and well equipped. They were also very considerate as they provided me with a delicious vegan lunch! We had a great time and would definitely take this tour again.
What an incredible experience! We were 11 people ranging in age from 2 to 70 and this was such a great experience for everyone. Our hosts - Mario and Thomas - were Attentive and gracious. They worked with us to create a plan that worked for our group based on what we wanted and weather conditions. They were serious when necessary and yet accommodating and delightful. They provided everything we could possibly want and the food was delicious. They were amazing hosts and helped create a very memorable experience for everyone. Highly recommend this tour!!!!
We had an amazing day!!! The guys that took us out were great and very accommodating. They catered to our every need and made sure we had a great trip. I highly recommend!
We booked this for our anniversary and it was the best thing we have done on the island. Not only were the staff and crew in constant contact with us about weather changes but they were the most friendly people we met. Lydia was checking in with us about wind and weather making sure we were able to change dates or time to make the cruise work for us. Once on the boat we set sail and began by having a nice stretch session on the top of the boat. Followed by a delicious snack. Then we reached Paros and went onto an island where there was an old church. They then took us to a cove to go swimming. The water was refreshing and so clear. I put my drone up in the air and got some photos and video. We came back aboard for lunch where Dmitri cooked up some amazing stuffed peppers and vegetables. Nice wine. Beer. It was more than you could ask for. On the way back we fell asleep in the sun on the trampolines. You must book this day cruise if you want to have some of the best fun you can have on a vacation. Thank you to the main man who is partly in charges/owns the boat, Yiannis. You were a wonderful person, great conversation, always wanting to help us have fun and enjoy. I will be telling anyone I know who wants to come to Greece to see you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I recommend this as a great way to see Naxos, as we stopped at a cave and two stunning beaches. It had a family-run feel to it that made it friendly and personable, while being of high quality and professional. The food was satisfying and I found the chilled local red wine refreshing (food and drink were included).
Die Tour ist nur zu empfehlen. Das Boot ist sehr luxuriös ausgestattet - es fehlt an nichts. Vor allem dafür verantwortlich sind Ioannis und Dimitris, die sich unglaublich viel Mühe geben und wahnsinnig nett sind. Insgesamt hält man drei Mal - einmal zum schnorcheln, einmal zum Mittagessen und noch ein weiteres Mal einfach nur zu genießen. Neben dem sehr sehr leckerem & frisch gekochten Mittagessen, gibt es noch Baguette, frisches Obst sowie verschiedenste Getränke. Musik, Loungemöbel und genug Zeit zwischen den Stopps sorgen für pure Entspannung. Traumtrip!
What a great day on the water. Everything about the trip was well done. The captain was professional, sincere and fun. We’ve been on many local boat trip in our travel and this was one of the best. The key to a good boat trip is to be able to relax, be safe and have fun. The captain provided all of this at a more then reasonable price.
Great catamaran super well maintained. And Above all great skippers. they took us to great spots. Food was great and the overall ambiance great. Highly recommended. We were 19 adults and we were super comfy. Plenty of space.
Had the best day touring around Paros with our friends on a relaxing boat trip. Crew was great, food was great, and highly recommend. Owner was very helpful scheduling with us last minute. Will schedule again next time we travel there.
Wonderful captain and crew. Clean comfortable fun catamaran
Wir hatten ein paar Tage bevor wir nach Naxos gekommen sind eine Tour gebucht. Leider war es an zwei Tagen zu windig für die Tour. Der Veranstalter hat uns kontaktiert und eine frühere Alternative angeboten, die wir leider nicht wahrnehmen konnten. Angeboten wurde und dann eine Tour ein paar Tage später nachdem wir angegeben hatten wie lange wie auf Naxos sein werden. Der ganze Vorgang hat problemlos und schnell funktioniert. Die Katamaran Tour hat im 9.15 morgens gegenüber des Café‘s Kitron gestartet und wir waren gegen 17 Uhr zurück am Hafen. Insgesamt gab es drei Stops zum schwimmen, sonnen und Snacks bzw. essen. Unterwegs muss niemand Hunger oder Durst leiden, für alles ist gesorgt (Snacks, Obst, Mittagessen auch vegetarisch auf Wunsch sowie Bier, Wein, Softdrinks und Wasser). Alles in allem ein sehr schöner Tag den wir genossen haben.
This was the highlight of our trip! Thomas and Mario were so nice and chill, and cooked a delicious lunch of Moussaka and Greek Salad. We had great appetizers at our first stop too, dip on bread and dolmas. We stopped at a few different beaches on the other side of Naxos and swam in the gorgeous water, relaxed on the beautiful boat, drank wine and beer (they had a huge supply). The boat is so big and very stable since it is a catamaran, no real seasickness issues. We had a lovely group of 6 people, felt not crowded at all. Felt like we were living our bougiest lives chilling on a yacht all day. Checking in was super easy too, it's right on the Naxos marina.
Nice guys. Nice boat. Very civilised. Endless quality food and drink. The Catamaran can absorb 20 guests without feeling crammed. Best of all you are not blasted with horrible tourist 'party boat' muzak. Just cool lounge music at background level in the saloon and aft cockpit, virtually nil on the side decks, roof pad, trampolines or forward cockpit. Very welcome and most unusual for a med boat trip!!
Our first experience with this catamaran was in 2020, when we enjoyed it so much that we went on the cruise 3 times in a week. In 2021 we chose to come back to Naxos because of this yacht. We were planning to do the cruise every day for a week, but the wind made it possible only four times. The catamaran, the swimming and snorkelling spots, but mostly the skippers - Yannis and Dimitri - are incredible. The catamaran is new and spotless clean and you can see the crew’s care in the little details: a tiny potted olive tree or a pot with lovely smelling basil, the extra clean bathroom, the spotless lounge area, the sofas - everything really. However - what makes the cruise amazing are her skippers - Yannis and Dimitri. They know every single guest’s name, they care for everyone, and make sure that everything is perfect. Yannis chooses the day’s itinerary so that everyone enjoys it to the max, always selecting the route based on the weather and wind. Don’t get upset if the cruise is cancelled sometimes - it’s for the guests’ safety. The locations the cruise took us to are amazing - the most turquoise waters, rock jumping spots, snorkelling bays, sandy beaches and historic shipwrecks. The food and drinks are plenty and attentively served. And if you follow on our steps and fall in love with the catamaran's cruises you might get a T-shirt or a cap that you will wear with pride! Thank you for the 4 lovely day-cruises this year! We can’t wait to be back! Yannis, Dimitri - all the best
This was such a fun day trip! The whole crew was really lively and friendly. The highlight of the day of course was the cliff jumping bit. Yannis did a fantastic job motivating us to take the plunge. Had a fantastic time, would definitely recommend this.
I truly cannot pick a favorite part of the day. Yannis & Dimitris made sure that everyone’s needs were catered to at all times, gave great information on the areas we stopped in & overall just made the experience fun. The food was amazing, the drinks and snacks as well. There was always a shady spot if you needed it and sunny areas, too. If you are debating on booking this, do it! It was one of the best decisions we made while in Greece!!
A brilliant trip. We were looked after from start to finish. We stopped off at some great locations for swimming and exploring. Highly recommended.
Very well organised experience. The whole thing was very polished and enjoyable. Giannis was our capitan and he was super nice, funny and knowledgeable. The stops for swimming and cliff diving were fabulous and the food and drinks were phenomenal. 100% recommended and 100% would doit again.
Ein perfekter Tag auf dem Meer ☺️ Yiannis und Dimitri haben den Tag auf dem Boot wirklich super gestaltet. Kurze Sicherheitseinweisung und dann ging es los. Insgesamt wurden drei Schwimm/Schnorchelstops angesteuert. Bei jedem der Stops gab es von Yjannis ein wenig Background, was den Spot besonders macht. Teilweise auch mit historischen Fakten. Sehr interessant! Spot 1, war eine Bucht mit einer alten Hotelruine, die zu Zeiten der Diktatur mitten ins Naturschutzgebiet gesetzt wurde. Heute wohl eher als Mahnmal zu sehen. Highlight war hier das Schnorcheln in/mit den Fischschwärmen. Spot 2, war ebenfalls eine schöne Bucht wo es viel beim Schnorcheln zu entdecken gab. Highlight war hier ein Klippensprung. Hier zeigte Yjannis einem den besten Weg um da hoch zu kommen. Für mich war das leider nicht machbar. Andere haben das aber problemlos geschafft. Aber kleiner Kratzer an Hand und Fuß muss man in Kauf nehmen. Spot 3, ebenfalls eine schöne Bucht, wo man sowohl am Ufer als auch unter Wasser mit der Taucherbrille Wrackteile eines im 1. Weltkrieg gesunkenen Schiffes entdecken konnte. An jedem der drei Spots wurden wir mit ausreichend Verpflegung versorgt. Leckeres Brot mit Oliven, Moussaka, Obst. Alkoholische (Bier, Rot- und Weißwein) und Softdrinks. Wasser und Kaffee stand die ganze Fahrt über zur Verfügung. Die Gruppengröße schien erst was groß hat sich aber später gut auf dem Boot verteilt. Etwas schade fand ich, dass nur mit dem Motor gefahren wurde und nicht gesegelt wurde. Aber
We had an great Day, with our funny and lovely Skippers. We are so happy, that we book this Tour to Parros. We saw Delphines, direct by the Boot. We had an amazing food an many to drink. This day is unforgatabel for us.
We had a fabulous time on the catamaran with Captain Yiannis and Dimitris. They took us to some amazing spots off the south coast of Naxos, including a secluded nature reserve and a place for cliff diving. Yiannis even took all of those interested up the cliff to show them the safest places to dive. Our final stop was briefly right in front of the Naxos Portara for some photos before heading back into port. I think there were a total of 24 people on board, including the crew, and we never felt short of space. In terms of food and drink - we had snacks to start, followed by an awesome moussaka and salad for lunch. The beer and wine were truly all inclusive, along with water and soft drinks whenever you wanted them. We finished with trays of fresh fruit to round off the journey. Overall, we had a fantastic day, thanks to Yiannis and Dimitris. Definitely our best day out in Naxos so far!
Great Catamaran, very good route planning, professional relaxed and friendly skippers Yannis and Dimitri. Good home made food and very fresh fruit. Amazing swimming spots, anchorages and port visit. 10/10 I already want to come back.
Wonderful experience. Our favorite day in Naxos. The crew, Yannis and Dimitris are fantastic - funny, energetic, and knowledgeable. They truly make it a great experience.
Der Katamaran konnte mit der Wegbeschreibung gut am Kai gefunden werden. Nach einer Sicherheitseinweisung ging es los. Die 2 Jungs vom Boot waren sehr nett und lustig. Es gab immer Getränke, sowohl alkoholfrei (Wasser, Softdrinks), wie auch Bier, Rot- und Weißwein. Umweltbewusst haben wir unseren Plastikbecher mit Namen beschriftet, um nicht soviel Müll zu produzieren. Auf dem Katamaran gab es Möglichkeiten, sich zu verteilen und je nach Lust und Laune Sonnen- oder Schattenplätze zu wählen. Insgesamt wurden 3 Schnorchelstops angesteuert. Es war immer ausreichend Zeit zum Schnorcheln. Brille und Schnorchel sowie Poolnudeln wurden zur Verfügung gestellt. Nach einem kleinen Snack zwischendurch gab es Mittags Moussaka oder gefüllte Paprika - große Portionen. Gegen 17:30h waren wir wieder zurück. Insgesamt ein schöner Tag auf dem Meer!
Es war ein rundum perfekter Tag! Die beiden Guides an Board waren super sympathisch. Es gab sehr leckeres Essen sowie Snacks und wir waren den ganzen Tag mit kalten Getränken versorgt. Der Catamaran war top und der Tag hat einfach nur Spaß gemacht! Absolut empfehlenswert!
Great way to spend a day in Naxos. Weather was a bit windy so water was choppy and made it harder for boat to stop easily. Crew was great - very solicitous and made everything nice. Fun group of passengers. We did spend a lot of time getting from one spot to another, but no one to blame for that. Would recommend cleaning out the snorkel gear after each use since another passenger took the one I had used and that seemed rather risky in light of Covid issues. Relaxing way to spend the day, just don’t expect lengthy stops or visits to other islands.
Very nice staff and delicious food. It is absolutely to be recommended, with friends or with family!
Attraction à ne pas manquer sur l’île de Naxos. Certes un peu cher et à réserver à l’avance (surtout en pleine saison); mais l’expérience vaut vraiment le détour. Équipage aux petits soins…
Journée en catamaran sympa (3 stops baignade, snacks, repas et boissons compris) cependant nous avons trouvé le prix très élevé par rapport à l'ensemble de la prestation.
Bella gita nei dintorni di naxos. Premetto che non ero molto informato su cosa avrei fatto , comunque è stato bello vedere alcune delle migliori spiagge di paros e naxos. Nonostante sia un catamarano e ci fosse vento sufficiente abbiamo sempre navigato a motore a ritmo lento come si può immaginare date le ristrette capacità del catamarano di viaggiare a vele chiuse. Detto ciò, i due marinai Thomas é Mario sono stati molto cortesi e disponibili in tutto ciò di cui puoi avere bisogno, ci sono cibo e bibite (vino birra Coca Cola fanta acqua ) in abbondanza per fare una colazione , pranzare e mangiare qualcosa nei momenti di Pausa. Avrei voluto visitare le altre isole delle Cicladi dato che a naxos ho Gia passato molto tempo e ho avuto il tempo di visitarla abbastanza bene, ma in sole 8 ore le possibilità non sono molte. Nel complesso se cerchi un viaggio rilassante dove poter bere e mangiare mentre prendi il sole sul tettuccio questo è quello che fa per te; se invece vorresti visitare le vere e proprie piccole Cicladi sconsiglio perché si tratta principalmente di un giro belle spiagge di Paros é naxos.
We took a day trip with Mario and Thomas. they were excellent, friendly, interactive, did the activities with us. The good: Solid Boat, well skippered. Decent Lunch (remember it is on a boat), good salad and moussake (standard). Beer decent, good wine. Nice sunny day. Lots of space to get out of the sun if you need it. Just Okay. We had hoped for a trip to some small private beaches and unique places but because there was no wind we had to motor everywhere. We did two beaches on naxos and one one paros. Not ideal but still on a boat. First beach, Santa maria was a nice but basic introduction. Good warm water. Second beach we all go clay masks for our skin. Quite fun and not a commerical place at all. The last beach was accessable easily by car, but a good place for jumping in water for younger kids. We really wanted the cave swimming and of course, ('m assuming that is weather dependent). I tried to book other trips but one was cancelled. So I give 5 stars for the crew and 3 stars for the basic, but not unique experience. Again. I know it is weather dependent. I also recognize that many of these factors our out of their control. BTW, we had lovely people on our boat that made the experience very worth while.
Premetto che abbiamo fatto altre gite con grande soddisfazione lo scorso anno a Paros. Si presume che una gita giornaliera (su catamarano Luxury) a Naxos, al netto di condizioni climatiche avverse, sia per visitare almeno in gran parte le calette di Naxos. Sbagliato! Due soste a Paros per fare il bagno ed una sosta durata quasi due ore, fermi al porto turistico di Paros (nessuno dei 17 ospiti lo ha capito) per visitare la cattedrale e la piazzetta (dalle 12.20 alle 14.00, caldo feroce). Naxos per fortuna l’abbiamo vista percorrendo molti km in auto. Detto ciò, servizio scarso ma non è per questo motivo che il giudizio è negativo. Parto dal presupposto che si vada a navigare e non a fare la grande abbuffata. Ma la navigazione ha rasentato il ridicolo per complessivi 320 euro in due. Fate attenzione e fatevi dire in anticipo quale e’ l’itinerario. Le condizioni climatiche erano perfette. Abbastanza incavolati. Spiace perché il posto è molto bello e la cordialità ed ospitalità la fa da padrona. Ma questa crociera, fidatevi, no!!
Our skipper Yannis and first mate Dimitris showed us a great time on our trip down the Naxos coast. Seeing the Naxos coast from that perspective gave us great insights on which beaches to visit during the rest of our trip. The catamaran itself is fairly new, and easily accommodated our mixed group of approximately 18 passengers. The smaller group size is especially important; during our trip, we encountered another tour which crammed about 40 onto a boat, which looked miserable. The food served onboard was delicious as well. I would definitely recommend this tour.
Brilliant day out with the family (4 children aged from 11-22) Relaxing and fun day. Great atmosphere
Our family of four took a tour in June and had a wonderful time! The service was fantastic, the meals were awesome, and the excursion itself was memorable. We went to Paros for a couple of hours, anchored off in a couple locations to swim and relax, saw dolphins, and had a great time! Highly recommend this!
We had an amazing and relaxing day with Janes and His crew. Unfortunately we weren’t lucky enough to be able to see the dolphins, but still were able to see colorful fish and sea vegetation in the snorkeling stops. Lunch and the beverages were great!
Der Ausflug mit dem Katamaran war schön und hat Spaß gemacht, die Organisatoren sind sehr nett und hilfsbereit. In den Stopps wird für ausreichend Verpflegung gesorgt und Getränke an Board gab es auch immer zur Verfügung. Das einzige von meiner Seite aus zu kritisieren, wäre vielleicht die Gruppengröße, ein paar weniger Teilnehmer hätte ich als angenehmer empfunden.
Sub-par service. Our captain Mario seemed to be in a bad mood from the start. He wasn’t personable or friendly. The swimming spots we visited were nice but otherwise the trip was non-eventful. No music for 8 hours. The catamaran was quite small compared to the one we took in Santorini and had more people this time with few places to sit. The lunch was not made fresh but rather ordered from a restaurant and was quite heavy- some traditional Greek casserole which would have been great for dinner but not good for lunch. Other tours we have done included lunch prepared fresh and many sides and much friendlier staff. The crew seemed so uninterested in the day or the tour. Loved Naxos outside of this!
We reserved a catamaran for a full day cruise for our family, including kids 7 and 9. The boat was clean and safe, our captain and crew kind and knowledgeable. We hugged the coast of Naxos for 8 hours, making three stops at beautiful beaches and coves where we took turns jumping off the boat and swimming to shore. Our kids were in heaven. The water was calm and blue as a swimming pool. The Danae fed us a beautiful series of meals -- a snack, lunch and fruit dessert, including beers and wine. We even saw a sea turtle! The boat has rafts and noodles as well as snorkel equipment. It was an indulgent and lovely outing - exactly what you picture for a Greek island holiday!!
Yiannis and Dimitri were fantastic- very knowledgeable and professional. Our teenage daughters had a ball! We absolutely loved every minute of the day. :)
Ein Must Do im Kykladen Urlaub- ab aufs Meer, all die Blau Töne. Eine tolle Gruppe, eine noch tollere Crew, ein Super Törn mit Delfinen, kristallklares Wasser und ein schönes Fischerdorf auf Paros. Es hätte nicht besser organisiert sein können- volle Punktzahl
We really enjoyed the trip with this company. The Skipper were very nice and spread good vibes. We start with a coffee and then start to a cove to swim and snorkel. On the way we saw dolphins sich was really a unforgettable moment. After we stopped at Paros for a visit in a small village and then had a jummy lunch in another cove were we could swim after lunch. It was very relaxing and an unforgettable event for us. Thanks to the crew! Roland & Susann
Absolutely without a doubt the BEST thing we did during our stay. It was so classy and the captains were very gracious. Top notch care and service. Took us to Koufinisi and we were in love! Will send everyone we know back here just to do this day cruise.
Everything was perfect! The food, the locations visited, the crew, etc. It couldn’t have gone any better.
Amazing experience! After Covid resulted in cancellation of our previous yachting plans we switched gears and were fortunate to secure the first post-lockdown trip available. Could not have worked out better. We embarked on a 5 night adventure on the Rena from Mykonos to Santorini with stops in Paros, Naxos, Schinoussa, Koufonisi and Ios (all planned once we got on the boat with skipper input based on our interests). The catamaran and her skippers Yannis and Marios are top rate. The catamaran is a spacious and well appointed, modern vessel. Yannis and Marios are not only highly skilled and professional skippers, they are also both great human beings. The kind one would happily swap stories and a meal with (which we did often!). Everything was flexible but still ran like a well-oiled Swiss timepiece! Thank you Marios and Yannis for an unforgettable experience!
Great boat, great trip, great people... The boat was clean, in great condition and not crowded and Marios and Demetre - the crew- there are no words to describe how kind and friendly were - making our visit to beaches accessible only by sea and the "small cyclades" islands unforgetable.
We had a great day on board Danae. Nice people, great spots for swimming and delicious food. An overall great experience that we are looking forward to do it again.
An amazing experience. The crew Gianni, Dimitri and Marios are the best, always polite and helpful. Explore Cyclades with a big Catamaran which is always clean and cozi. They are serving always homemade meals, nice wine and aperitif. Congratulations guys you are the best. See you soon!
Where else to do a boat trip but the gorgeous Cyclades! Had the most amazing day with some clear water spots perfect for swimming. Ioannis and Dimitris were perfect hosts making sure we all had a great time and a drink in our hands 😀Would totally recommend and would love to do another trip next time I’m in Naxos.
Magnifique catamaran de 45 pieds , propreté irréprochable. Accueil sympathique et très professionnel de Yannis et Mario. Nos skippers sont aux petits soins avec nous boissons , petits en cas et repas : rien à reprocher ! Belle navigation. À conseiller
Un 45’ parfaitement aménagé et spacieux de 2 ans. Nous étions 10 plus 2 membres de l’équipage . Personnel très sympa et accueillant . Brunch + déjeuner+ 4h de bonne qualité . 2 arrêts pour le snorkeling dans des eaux cristallines. Croisière fortement recommandée
Wonderful day at sea! Couldn't fault anything, the team were welcoming, the boat sublime, and the swimming spots and stop off in Naousa were perfect. Would do it every day if I could.
AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL and UNFORGETTABLE DAY! Great captains, Ioannis and Dimitris, making you feel very welcome and always ready to talk and answer question! HIGHLY recommend, this is a MUST when in Naxos!!! Food was great too, everything was so relaxing, fun and enjoyabel, but time flies by too fast! You Will not regret it!! And its no problem if you are a horrible swimmer, just like me, they got you covered!
Booked the tour last minute because of a cancelation from another tour and couldn't be happier. Yannis and Dimitris welcomed everyone warmly, and provided good conversation throughout the tour. We sailed from Náxos to Páros, stopping for occasional swims (and, of course, jumping from the catamaran) and docked at the fishing village of Náousa in Páros. It was quite charming, with picturesque streets, an old fortress and a church. Everyone in the tour was very friendly, so we had a great time. The tour includes lunch (pastitsio and stuffed tomatoes/bell peppers), as well as some sort of bruschetta appetizer and drinks (water, wine, beer, soft drinks). I am very satisfied with the experience and the service.
Would definitely recommend! Our original boat trip with another company was cancelled so we asked the crew of the Rena Catamaran at the port and they accepted us without hesitating. Even though the trip we did was not the one we actually wanted to do, the sailing experience was totally worth it. We visited Paros and some beaches in Naxos, were we could jump, swim and snorkel (they provided material). Probably the small cyclades tour would be better. The crew were really friendly and funny. The trip includes traditional greek lunch (pastitsio and greek salad), appetizers (bread with spreads, fruit salad, baklava), water, soft drinks, beer and wine. It's not cheap but worth paying!
Had a great day and met lots of people coming from everywhere in the world! Yanni and Dimitri were very nice and caring! We got to do some yoga on the boat and swimming in caves. The wine and food were very nice. I cannot recommend strongly enough this cruise which was worth every euro :D
Our day on the catamaran was the highlight of our holiday. Visiting secluded coves and jumping into the open sea is an amazing feeling. The staff are friendly and helpful. You’ll want to go back for more!
Everything was great during this trip, the weather, the crew, the boat, brunch and lunch was as expected, based on previous reviews. I recommend to everyone who wants to have a good time.
Very kind and friendly crew. Very good traditional food and fresh fruits. Really nice experience for couples, friends and families!!
Πολύ ευγενικοί. Πεντακάθαρο και υπέρ άνετο σκάφος. Έφυγε στην ώρα του προσφέρουν τρία γεύματα. Όλα σπιτικά καθόλου τυποποιημένα. Επίσης δίνουν μάσκες και βατραχοπέδιλα. Ήταν όλα υπέροχα. Το συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα.
Fabuleuse journée : un bateau impeccable ultra confortable, toute la gentillesse de Dimitri et Yannis ... merciii
Notre journée catamaran a été décalée d’une journée peu importe nous étions disponibles. Magnifique catamaran très luxueux, nous étions 4 couples à bord et 2 personnes d’équipage. Donc beaucoup d’espace. Accueil très sympathique et sérieux. Avons fait 3 haltes baignades sur des très beaux spots sans personne quasiment. Boissons à volonté, toasts apéritifs maisons, repas Copieux et très bon . Bonne ambiance à bord . Dommage que la météo est était aussi venteuse et du coup beaucoup de houle .
Bonne organisation, bateau nickel, équipage disponible aux petits soins et très sympa. En cette année COVID les gestes barrières sont respectés. Bravo
Wow! It s just an amazing experience. The crew is so skilled and knowledgeable, gives great advice on customized trips and provide an amazing service. We stayed in Naxos and Paros with family and children and went out on a catamaran once for a half day and once for a full day. It was the best experience. Yanis and Dmitris took us to amazing beautiful lagoons.we swam in the middle of paradise, dove in crystal clear water and enjoyed the best food and drinks on the boat. The price is very reasonable for the quality of the service compared to other options we looked at. We can only recommend them to anyone looking for a truly unforgettable experience!
Had an amazing day! Awesome crew, nice locations with blue/green clean ocean, diving, snorkling and drinking beer in the sun. Would recomend everyone to spend a day at this boat!
Sailing and snorkelling around the secluded beaches of Naxos- or simply lounging on the deck is one of the best ways to experience the beautiful Cyclades. Giannis and Dimi we’re friendly, knowledgeable and excellent skippers who made everyone on board feel welcome and in expert hands. Japan, Italy Canada, the UK, France, Australia and Greece were all represented on our sailing cruise. Information about each site as we anchored, along with plenty of food and drinks were provided. The opaque colours of the Aegean were the perfect backdrop for this must do experience. Our teenager described it as one of the best days of our trip so far. Magic.
Le capitaine est hyper sympa, boissons à profusion, vues incroyables, baignades de rêve, plages sublimes avec courtes visites des alentours facultatives (ex. : projet de palace abandonné) fascinantes et instructives. Vive la Grèce.
I cannot recommend this anymore. The boat is amazing, the staff is amazing, the food is amazing, the views are amazing. It is worth every penny and I would do it 100x over if I could.
So happy to have found this tour! End of the season but Ioannis and Dimitri found us some great spots to swim/snorkel, toured a village on Paros and had a great time along the way! It was great to have Ioannis participate with us in the activities and share his vast knowledge of the islands with us too.So welcoming and a super fun group of people, will definitely look for them again whenever I return to Naxos...which hopefully will not be too long!
We had an absolutely wonderful time with Timos and Thomas (please forgive any misspelling) on the Danae. There were 16 of us and we were very comfortable and had plenty of room for all to stretch out and enjoy the day. And enjoy we did! Timos and Thomas were professional and welcoming, excellent hosts. They prepared coffee, offered wine, beer, snacks and made a delicious meal for us. We visited areas with clear blue water where some of us swam and snorkeled while others relaxed and took in the beauty. One of our group celebrated her birthday onboard. Perfect. Toward the end of our day we stopped with a view of Apollo's Temple and watched a spectacular sunset. Thomas mentioned that he's in a band and since we had time he surprised us by playing. We sang, we laughed and ended the day with smiles on our faces and very happy memories. We hope to return to Naxos and plan a longer trip on the Danae with this fantastic crew.
Beautiful day on the water. Loved each stop, food was great and crew awesome. The weather was perfect for sailing and swimming.
We had a great time on the boat. The crew and the food were excellent. Due to the great weather, we had a chance to go to Paros and visit the village. After that we ate and made two stops for swimming and snorkeling.
We highly recommend taking this catamaran cruise while in Naxos. Our skippers Thomas and Mario were the perfect hosts. Nice day eating, drinking and spending time on the boat and in the water. We enjoyed spending the day with the other people on the boat, too. Excellent Naxos excursion!!
We enjoyed a beautiful day onboard the Rena. Visited three spots for swimming, and the weather was great. Would definitely do it again.
We really enjoyed this boat tour! The food was delicious and there were plenty of snacks and drinks. The crew was friendly and organized. The yacht was clean and beautiful. The snorkeling gear isn't very organized or intact but there wasn't much to look at in the ocean anyway as far as wildlife goes. The swimming spots were beautiful, especially when they bring you to the clay rocks to have a mud "bath" (or smear). The water was super clear. Very cool experience!
Fantástico día. Lo pasamos fenomenal. Timos y Thomas son geniales. Totalmente recomendable. Eramos 10 y el catamarán es muy amplio. Comida y bebida muy buena.
We did a day cruise with Rena Catamaran 2 days ago. The crew is very friendly, the boat is new and you get to see Naxos from the sea which is really worth it. Not too many people on board, we stopped to 3 nice beaches to swim, we had tasty food and coffee and everyone seemed to enjoy the trip a lot. A great experience overall, highly recommended to everyone visiting Naxos, no matter if you are in a group, family or couple!
We had a nice day trip with the 45 ft catamaran Rena to a beach at Paros and two beaches at Naxos. Everything was well organised with enough drinks and food incl. lunch. The crew were very nice. The only disappointment was that we did very little real sailing - only 2 hrs on the jib/foresail plus the engine out of the 7 hrs. of the whole cruise. About 4 hrs the boat was moored at 3 beaches for swimming, snorkling and lunch. Snorkling is very disappointing as there is only sand and no sea life at all.
Thomas and Timos made the day! Highly highly recommend this tour. Food was amazing and enjoyed the trip from beginning to end!
En septembre 2019, mon mari et moi avons passé une excellente journée sur ce magnifique catamaran. L'équipage est sympatique et multiplie les petites attentions notre égard. Le soleil, la mer, la nourriture et les boissons, tout était parfait. Une vrai journée de bonheur, que du plaisir!
This was an amazing experience and a highlight of our trip to Naxos. The boat (Danae) was very clean and well maintained. The crew was helpful and accommodating. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone who enjoys sun and water.
This was a very high quality experience. The crew was exceptional and the food perfect. We enjoyed the day immensely!
the trip was exactly what we were looking for - day out on the Aegean with a small group of people (there were 15 others). The sea was a bit rough at first so we didn't venture beyond the immediate waters of Naxos. We visited the various beaches from the sea :). There was plenty of drink, plenty of food and good company - we met others from around the world. The crew was very attentive and took care on one of our party who was very sea sick for the first hour - dramamine and a dip in the sea and she got over it. Definitely got our money's worth and we had a marvelous day.
We went to Greece for a week and this was the highlight!! What an amazing time on The Danae. Timas and Tomas are fantastic and the snorkeling was perfect. The water was stunning and cold. We stopped in three places to swim. We are still smiling. Thank you guys
My husband and I treated ourselves to the private tour on Danae for our honeymoon. Timas and Tomas were the crew - and they were phenomenal! We set sail on a windy day but they made sure we were comfortable. Stopped in two spots for swimming, food, wine and beer. They were fun to be around and great to talk to but also let us have our privacy. They also suggested some things to do around the boat to enhance the experience - like jumping off the roof of the catamaran, and sitting on the very front for our cruise back for a rollercoaster and fun ride - which was so so fun! I highly highly recommend this company to anyone looking to book - and we have done private boat tours in Mexico, Turks & Caicos, Croatia and this was one of the best experiences.
We had Yannis and Demitris as our crew. It was a windy day but nothing the Lagoon 450S couldn't handle and it was a great ride the whole way. Such a comfortable catamaran to be on with plenty of space to spread out wherever you wanted. The crew updated us on everything and told us about the area which was great. The food and drinks we had were perfect and was plenty of it. The snorkeling and swimming was so nice and in protected bays out of the wind. Couldn't recommend this trip enough. Thanks a lot for the awesome trip. Jake and kristy :)
It was an amazing day. Captain George gave us equipment and besise the activities he told us about, we vould also sail, to controll the yaht. We had music and even a snack. Also, George gave us a cd with our photos from that day. We visited the cave, paros and many otçher amazing places. We even saw an octopus! The atmosphere was amazing and we recommand this one day trip. Ahoy, Captain George!
Yannis and Dimitris cant be nicer!!great day in a wonderful island and with wonderful people. When I go back, I will repeat for sure😊
We enjoyed a beautiful day on the clean & spacious Rena, total of 22 on board when we sailed (max capacity is 25). Our original sail date shifted by four days, as the company cancelled all sailing for two days due to high winds & waves, and I appreciated their caution. It was still a bit windy when we went, and Captain Mario steered us to where we’d have the best conditions possible. I was very glad we were able to be rescheduled. Our girls loved the trip. Mario made the possible destinations clear, and told us he’d decide the final destinations based on wind & wave conditions which was absolutely fine & consistent with our expectations. We ultimately did one stop by Paros and two by Naxos. The snacks (cookies, bruschetta type bread & spread in the morning; fruit in the afternoon) and lunch (vegetarian dish similar to Pastitsio & Greek salad) suited us well. There was plenty of time to swim at each stop, and our girls were entertained at the Paros stop by some clay cliffs where you could scrape the clay off the wall to make face / skin masks. We had a wonderful time & highly recommend.
Wir hatten einen tollen Tag auf der Danae! Schnorcheln, gutes Essen und die zwei Jungs waren super drauf.Wir haben an wunderschönen Türkisfarbenen Buchten geankert und konnten Schnorcheln.Zwischendurch wurden wir (nach Bedarf) mit Raki, Bier und Wein versorgt.
We had a fantastic time on this lovely boat. Not to many people, good space. The food was nice. I recommed this 😊
You must try this with Dimos and Marios. Now Mario’s says he’s the best! We are about to find out! What goes on catamaran stays on catenaran!!!!
Magnifiques lieux de pause, eaux turquoises et limpides, collation, déjeuner, rafraîchissements... Prestation parfaite orchestrée par l’équipage Yannis et Dimitri, qui s’adaptent à l’ambiance du groupe. Journée de rêve.
Très beau tour juste. Un peu déçu de ne pas avoir fait les petites cyclades. Ce que nous avons appris au moment de l embarquement
We were a group of 8 (2 families with teenagers) who enjoyed a great trip on the Danae with Dimitri. We did the all day (9am-6pm) trip visiting three beautiful spots off of Naxos. There was a choice to visit Paros but some of the other passengers had already been, so we stayed in Naxos Island. Beer and wine was plentiful and the lunch was hearty Greek fare served on board. This was a great day out on the water - not too long but not too short from a value perspective! The catamaran was new and we did have the sail up given the windy conditions around the north of the island. Very easy in and out of the Naxos marina. Highly recommended!
Thank you to Captain Mario and to Dimitris, for a great day on the water. Boat is very nice, and well maintained. Crew was organized, professional and courteous. We brought snacks for the kids, and the food provided onboard was tasty. We had about 18 people on our day trip, but the boat never felt crowded. Stopped at few beaches and enjoyed the swimming. The wind blew strong, so the water was a bit choppy. My teenager got queasy, and Mario took my wife and daughter ashore in a small dinghy so they could taxi back to hotel. Even called the taxi for them. This was a very worth while experience.
The crew provided a professional, fun and wonderful day cruising around naxos. Stopping at numerous swimming spots on the way where snorkels and other equipment was available. Beautiful food and refreshments throughout. Absolutely breathtaking sites and definitely a must if you are searching for the perfect crew who will make your naxos sailing adventure picture perfect.
This Catamaran cruise in Cyclades is the main highlight of our stay in Naxos Island. Without this trip, Naxos will be boring. The crew and Captain were very respectful and accommodating. The Yacht we had was very clean and spacious enough to move around the boat. It's very safe to walk and pose/take for pictures while cruising because Captain Yannis will give you a briefing and precautions before starting the tour. He's very cautious and very friendly. The food they served was good though we did prefer a better menu. Lol. Nevertheless, their service was excellent. I am not a good swimmer but they will provide you gadgets to safely swim and float in the water. They will watch you to make sure you are safe and they just naturally interact with the group to make you feel comfortable to enjoy every stop we made. Although the water was pretty cold, overall, this was a great trip to have a good time in Naxos! Good recommendation! 👍👍👍
We went on a Catamaran with our captains Dimos and Thomas, The boat ride was excellent and way exceeded our expectations. We went to beautiful places and had an amazing time getting to see the beaches of Naxos and Paros. Thomas and Dimos were very nice and made us feel right at home on the boat despite being 5000 miles from home. Having them for not one but two days was an experience we will never forget and will cherish for years to come. The only regret we had was not getting more time with them as we were quite literally asking to turn around and stay longer after they had already let us have more time at the amazing beach they took us to on the second day. Thomas turned out to be part of a band which was amazing because my son Jackson is an aspiring Opera singer so when Thomas learned that he brought his guitar and sang beautiful songs for and with us. Thomas and Dimos kept the boat very clean and organized. They were amazing people with huge hearts and showed us the best greek hospitality. Overall it was a once and a lifetime experience that we will never forget.
Chartered the catamaran for a family b-day celebration...11 of us, and it was AWESOME, FABULOUS! The kids, ages 11-16,(plus 80 year old grandpa!) loved diving and jumping off the boat into the beautiful clear water at several locations. The snacks, lunch, and drinks were delish...pastitsio, Greek salad, and the BEST baklava we had in Greece! The boat was very clean and comfortable. Thank you to Thomas and Temos for being such super hosts...truly the highlight of our Naxos trip!
Dimitri and Mario were a fantastic captains. We enjoy the day in their katamaran and they show us naxos through the sea. They cook us traditional lunch and snacks served with local wine and beer and other refreshments.
We really enjoyed the 40' Danae. Thomas and Temos were very friendly and accommodating. They prepared nice meals and took us to several nice bays to snorkel and swim. The boat has good seating and is very comfortable. They have plenty of beer and wine for everyone.
The boat was very nice and clean with more than enough room for 9. The full bathroom below was clean and because we drank a lot of (included) wine we used it quiet frequently. We had snacks and then lunch which was a baked pasta that was yummy. Later they served fresh fruit. The captain (Timos) and deckhand (Thomas) we’re very fun and super nice. We snorkeled around a few spots and swam. They played 60’s music which was a nice change from all of the deep house you hear everywhere. I do like EDM though. They will plug your iPhone in and play anything you have. We highly recommend!
We booked this trip a bit last minute, but were pleased with our experience. The staff was incredibly kind, professional and provided some great recommendations for things to do on Naxos. We sadly had AWFUL stormy weather which meant we did not get to really go farther than west cost of Naxos. I wish they would have cancelled and rebooked us for the following day. The places we did go though were quite nice. Snorkels, noodles, and nice appetizers all provided. The lunch was a bit lackluster - a pasta dish. Overall - would do it again.
We enjoyed our outing on 9 July. The crew was very friendly and worked well with the kids. All the participants quickly engaged each other and the trip was a great success. There were three stops for swimming. This is NOT the Caribbean so you will not see colorful fish, but if you know that in advance you will not be disappointed. The sites were beautiful. There was plenty of shaded areas on the boat. The WC was clean and private. I would recommend bringing your own snorkel equipment as the ones offered are quite limited. I would recommend this outing mainly because of the laid back/relaxing atmosphere.
Super qualité de services pour une équipe très classe et pro, un vrai plaisir à partager entre amis ou famille, à mon avis le meilleurs bateau de l'iles
Wir hatten einen sehr schönen Tag auf dem Katamaran. Thomas und Mario haben uns die schönsten Buchten auf Naxos und eine Bucht auf Paros gezeigt. Wir konnten Schnorcheln und auch an Land schwimmen. Es war immer genügend Zeit eingeplant. Als wir in der Früh auf den Katamaran kamen gab es Kaffee und einen kleinen Snack. Mittags haben Thomas und Mario für uns gekocht und abschließend gab es noch eine Obstplatte.
Bellissima giornata cullati dal vento, dalla salsedine e dal mare, coccolati dal fantastico team della Rena e viziati dalle abilità culinarie della mamma di Yannis. Itinerario classico con meta Aliko e in rientro Mikri Vigla e Agios Prokopios. Imbarcazione molto comoda, pulita e bella. Equipaggio molto cordiale, simpatico e disponibile anche verso gli ospiti più piccolini. quanti tuffi hanno potuto fare i nostri ragazzi? One more, one more 😄. Giornata memorabile 💙
Our favorite day on Naxos, by far, was aboard Rena with captain Giannis. Rena is a newer, very clean, and well-maintained catamaran. We did the all-day cruise which included breakfast, lunch, snacks, and a variety of drinks including beer, wine, water and sodas. Snorkeling equipment was provided to explore the blue Aegean Sea. In my opinion, Rena’s best feature is its ample, comfortable, outdoor, SHADED seating in the aft of the boat. The Greek summer sun is intense, and I can’t imagine spending all day on the water without this type of protection. It was perfect. The kids really enjoyed getting splashed on the trampoline nets and bow pulpits up front. If you go to Naxos, sail with Giannis. He truly offers the best activity the island has to offer!
Very nice catamaran, great crew, good food/beverages and beautiful locations. Crew made everyone feel comfortable and helped “bond” passengers by having everyone say their name and where they were from. The waters and locations where we stopped were beautiful. The refreshments were good and very nicely presented. Highly recommend this tour and the crew.
Our family with two boys, age 6 and 8, spent the most wonderful day on the Rena today! We had a small group of passengers from all over the world, delicious food all day, an amazing yoga session on the top deck (totally optional), and so much fun we’ll be talking about it for years! This was our second visit to Naxos but first boat expedition and we loved every minute!!
Łódka (katamaran), wyglada jak, a właściwie to jest prawie nowa i bardzo komfortowa. Załoga bardzo uprzejma, profesjonalna, świetnie mówiąca po angielsku. Pomimo, iż wszystkie odwiedzone dzisiaj miejsca widzieliśmy już z lądu, to z perspektywy morza wyglądają znacznie ciekawiej. Świetne miejsca do pływania, także dzieciaki miały frajdę, smaczne przekąski, ciekawe informacje, na temat odwiedzanych lokalizacji. Dobrze wydane pieniądze i bardzo miło spędzony czas. Pozdrawiamy i dziękujemy ! Polecamy:)
Just a perfect day on the water. Small group on a new catamaran. Only way to describe the day is ... it was like being invited on to a friend’s boat for the day. Wonderful way to see Naxos and Paros. Our lunch was delicious. Three of our group had sailed the week before. I certainly am planning a repeat visit.
Our catamaran day trip around the beautiful island of Naxos with Giannis and Dimitri was excellent. From the on board greeting, introductions and orientation to the fresh fruit at the end of the trip, it made for a memorable day. The catamaran was clean and easy to get around in. The brunch and lunch were very good and presented beautifully. The stops for swimming and snorkeling were fabulous. By the end of the day we had learned much, cooled off in the sea and made new friends. A delightful experience that we are happy to recommend.
We’ve just completed a brilliant day on Rena - a spacious, comfortable and beautifully furnished catamaran. Three beautiful anchorages in crystal clear waters - snacks, drinks and a delightful lunch. Yianiss was the perfect skipper and host - professional, friendly and highly competent.
My wife and I had a fantastic day aboard the catamaran Rena. The captain and mate could not have been nicer. They are a small close-knit company, the other boat was captained by our boat’s captain’s brother and lunch was cooked by their mother who is the company’s chef. The boats are extremely well maintained and immaculately clean. The amount of time and value of the trip is perfect. The boat is large enough to share with other guests and have plenty of space to relax in privacy. The only (slightly) negative is that we motored the whole time, it would have been nice to sail a little and shut off the motors and the beers could have been colder 🤷🏻♂️
Everything was so good, the people who worked on the boat, the places we visited and the whole athmosfere on the boat as well. Best thing was that we got to spend the whole day on the boat and did’nt actually jump off at the other places and islands. Truly recomend to go on a trip with danae or rena! /Maja&Filippa from Sweden
We went on this excursion with our two teenage boys and I’m not exaggerating when I say it was a perfect experience. The laid back crew was fantastic and fun to be around, the food was delicious, and the water and scenery are so beautiful. We stopped a few times to swim and snorkel and also visited a cave. It was a nice group of easygoing, interesting people. This is a must do if you are visiting Naxos!
We did a sailing trip with a large group of about 17 people for our wedding and it was fantastic. Lots of sunshine, great stops at swimming areas and beaches, and the company had plenty of food and drinks to keep us moving throughout the day. A lot of the group was vegetarian which they adapted to without issue (we gave them notice ahead of time but only a few days before) and the tour was pretty much all day long - 9AM to 6PM. The crew was very nice, knowledgeable of the area, and fun to be around. The boat was in excellent condition and they operated it safely. Really no complaints - thank you!
Aliko-koufonisa-rina caves. Fantastic trip with yiannis and his crew, really nice people. The catamaran was clean and big. Will stop off at the above place and swim about there for 15-20 mins and then move on. It was just a really peaceful trip looking at coast of Naxos and koufonisa. Would recommend!
We had the most amazing day with Yiannis and the other crew members! They took us to beautiful swimming locations, where there were no other boats swimming, as well as to a tiny seaside town on Paros. They were so kind and always checking in on us! They food was incredible as well. Highly highly highly recommend spending your day with them! Thank you guys so much :)
We had a fantastic day sailing around Naxos. The boat was large and roomy, with plenty of room for the group. Our captain did a great job making us comfortable and showing us the area. We made a couple stops to swim in the beautiful water, and stopped for a couple hours to explore the island of Paros. The lunch was absolutely delicious and everyone enjoyed the beverages and snacks as well. I would highly recommend this experience - It was a highlight of our trip to Greece.
This was a highlight of our time in Greece! The crew were so amazing and welcoming and the food was delicious. We had a little cloudy start but after the first swim stop the sun came out and it was a perfect day. We had a long swim stop for lunch after stopping in Paros for a visit. We felt safe, happy, and would definitely do this trip again!
My boyfriend and I spent the day on this catamaran cruise and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! The boat is easy to find in the Naxos port. There was a group of about 17 of us on the boat and we felt like we had plenty of space to move around. We were fed well throughout the day and all the activities were well planned!
Super fun day! The crew and the captain were great with our 5 and 1 year old! Would highly recommend for families!
Um excelente dia passado a bordo de um cruzeiro entre a ilha de Naxos e Paros. Tripulação extremamente simpática e prestável durante toda a viagem. Os sítios são selecionados em função das condições meteorológicas mas todos os selecionados foram excelentes! Aconselho vivamente!
Thomas and Mario were the best hosts! They were lots of fun and brought us to great areas around Paros island. The yacht was really clean and well equipped. They were also very considerate as they provided me with a delicious vegan lunch! We had a great time and would definitely take this tour again.
What an incredible experience! We were 11 people ranging in age from 2 to 70 and this was such a great experience for everyone. Our hosts - Mario and Thomas - were Attentive and gracious. They worked with us to create a plan that worked for our group based on what we wanted and weather conditions. They were serious when necessary and yet accommodating and delightful. They provided everything we could possibly want and the food was delicious. They were amazing hosts and helped create a very memorable experience for everyone. Highly recommend this tour!!!!
We had an amazing day!!! The guys that took us out were great and very accommodating. They catered to our every need and made sure we had a great trip. I highly recommend!
We booked this for our anniversary and it was the best thing we have done on the island. Not only were the staff and crew in constant contact with us about weather changes but they were the most friendly people we met. Lydia was checking in with us about wind and weather making sure we were able to change dates or time to make the cruise work for us. Once on the boat we set sail and began by having a nice stretch session on the top of the boat. Followed by a delicious snack. Then we reached Paros and went onto an island where there was an old church. They then took us to a cove to go swimming. The water was refreshing and so clear. I put my drone up in the air and got some photos and video. We came back aboard for lunch where Dmitri cooked up some amazing stuffed peppers and vegetables. Nice wine. Beer. It was more than you could ask for. On the way back we fell asleep in the sun on the trampolines. You must book this day cruise if you want to have some of the best fun you can have on a vacation. Thank you to the main man who is partly in charges/owns the boat, Yiannis. You were a wonderful person, great conversation, always wanting to help us have fun and enjoy. I will be telling anyone I know who wants to come to Greece to see you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I recommend this as a great way to see Naxos, as we stopped at a cave and two stunning beaches. It had a family-run feel to it that made it friendly and personable, while being of high quality and professional. The food was satisfying and I found the chilled local red wine refreshing (food and drink were included).
Die Tour ist nur zu empfehlen. Das Boot ist sehr luxuriös ausgestattet - es fehlt an nichts. Vor allem dafür verantwortlich sind Ioannis und Dimitris, die sich unglaublich viel Mühe geben und wahnsinnig nett sind. Insgesamt hält man drei Mal - einmal zum schnorcheln, einmal zum Mittagessen und noch ein weiteres Mal einfach nur zu genießen. Neben dem sehr sehr leckerem & frisch gekochten Mittagessen, gibt es noch Baguette, frisches Obst sowie verschiedenste Getränke. Musik, Loungemöbel und genug Zeit zwischen den Stopps sorgen für pure Entspannung. Traumtrip!
What a great day on the water. Everything about the trip was well done. The captain was professional, sincere and fun. We’ve been on many local boat trip in our travel and this was one of the best. The key to a good boat trip is to be able to relax, be safe and have fun. The captain provided all of this at a more then reasonable price.