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Our trip was absolutely incredible. Cetin was extremely helpful in accommodating any requests I had, explaining and adapting the sail route and his overall communication towards finer details were brilliant.
I cannot compliment the crew enough, the food was fantastic, the Captain was extremely professional and we always felt safe and well informed. He always ensured that we had lovely secluded blue bays to swim in and enjoy!
It is an incredibly decorated gulet and well maintained, exactly what was depicted in the images.
Thank you Cetin and the crew for our amazing week!
Svar från Cetin:
9 Sep 2023
Flagga denna recension
Its was pleasure for us to host you. We look forward to seeing a wonderful team like you again.All the best.
Our trip was absolutely incredible. Cetin was extremely helpful in accommodating any requests I had, explaining and adapting the sail route and his overall communication towards finer details were brilliant. I cannot compliment the crew enough, the food was fantastic, the Captain was extremely professional and we always felt safe and well informed. He always ensured that we had lovely secluded blue bays to swim in and enjoy! It is an incredibly decorated gulet and well maintained, exactly what was depicted in the images. Thank you Cetin and the crew for our amazing week!
Svar från Cetin:
Its was pleasure for us to host you. We look forward to seeing a wonderful team like you again.All the best.